E Ionian Ukulele Scale (mode) - D-Tuning


D-Tuning (ADF#B).
View this scale in: Standard Tuning (gCEA)G-Tuning (DGBE)Slack-key Tuning (gCEG)

The Ionian mode is the first mode of the major scale, and simply corresponds to the major scale. The Ionian mode is a major mode and does not really have anything that particularly stands out. It can be used on a major chord or a major 7. And on a grid of chords, for all chords of which are diatonic to the same major key, and starting with the first degree.

Don't know what a scale is? Read this first.


Staff Line Notation

Scale details

  • Type : Major
  • Number of notes : 7
  • Formula : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
  • Notes : E, G♭, A♭, A, B, D♭, E♭
  • Intervals : W,W,H,W,W,W,H
  • Degrees : E (I - tonic), G♭ (II - supertonic), A♭ (III - mediant), A (IV - subdominant), B (V - dominant), D♭ (VI - submediant), E♭ (VII - leading tone)

Scale Positions

You'll find below the 5 different positions/shapes of the E Ionian Uke scale in D-Tuning (ADF#B), along with their ascending tab patterns.

Position #1

Position #2

Position #3

Position #4

Position #5


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